Here are a couple of pictures from our trip to Paraguay & Brazil this summer. The Iguazu Falls are where Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina come together. Our pictures are from the Brazilian side, but we got there by bus from Paraguay. They are the most spectacular thing I've ever seen. We were in Paraguay for the Mennonite World Conference. What an inspiring time! People from 37 countries; translations into 7 different languages (via headsets), with the platform language being Spanish. And wonderful music!! As we sang sangs, often with people singing in their own language, there was one word which always was the same for every language --Alellujah. Which is what Revelation says we will all be signing. Just a little bit of a taste of heaven, with every tongue, nation & tribe praising around the throne.
We have a PowerPoint of the trip that we presented at church and to the conference pastor/spouse group. If you come see us we will be sure to 'make' you see it.
On another note: some have said they are having trouble viewing the blog. Let me know if you are so I can try to figure out why it doesn't work. Not that I'm much good at that, but I can try.
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